This is my blog of skirts. My journey, my thoughts, femininity, masculinity, quirks, embarrassments, accomplishments; all centered around the idea of skirts and the role of women.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 3


I woke up this morning and decided to wear my capris. I contemplated, but really did not want to treck all over town with my kids in a skirt. I had a lot of driving to do today and I knew it was going to be near 80 degrees today.

Disappointeed in my failures, I came out of my dressing quarters. To my astonishment, my oldest daughter who is 15 and NEVER wears skirts was looking lovely in her only dress. I was shocked, yet arrayed in pride that my good example must be exerting great powers of influence!

My pride came to a crashing HALT when I remembered that the only reason she was dressing up today was because she HAD to! Her teacher requires dress clothes on speech day. Her speech was on something or other about Achilles.

My youngest quickly snapped a picture of her for my blog, but she made her delete it. So, we have no evidence that she actually wore a dress today.

I was so disappointed when I arrived to pick her up from class and she was in JEANS!!! She had taken a change of clothes. This was the moment of utter failure. My example has forever tarnished my eldest. She must have surely been dieing, as have I, to take off her dress and garb herself in jeans!

My only hope is to redeem my example. I must polish my skirt wearing and perfect it and succeed. Tomorrow I shall conquer the day and wear a skirt once again!

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